Uses of Interface

Uses of BlockMatrix in

Classes in that implement BlockMatrix
(package private)  class BlockContainerData
          Class that keeps track of the color and state on all squares in a game area

Methods in with parameters of type BlockMatrix
protected  void TetrisMain.makeTitle(BlockMatrix m)
          Draw the tetris logo in the specied BlockMatrix
protected  void TetrisMain.drawContainer(java.awt.Graphics g, BlockMatrix m, int offsetX, int offsetY, int squareSize, int spaceBetweenSquares, int borderSize, java.awt.Color borderColor, java.awt.Color gridColor)
          Draw all grapics in a specific BlockMatrix
protected  boolean Block7.check(BlockMatrix m, int x, int y, int rotation)
protected  void Block7.unset(BlockMatrix m, int x, int y, int rotation)
protected  void Block7.set(BlockMatrix m, int x, int y, int rotation)
protected  boolean Block6.check(BlockMatrix m, int x, int y, int rotation)
protected  void Block6.unset(BlockMatrix m, int x, int y, int rotation)
protected  void Block6.set(BlockMatrix m, int x, int y, int rotation)
protected  boolean Block5.check(BlockMatrix m, int x, int y, int rotation)
protected  void Block5.unset(BlockMatrix m, int x, int y, int rotation)
protected  void Block5.set(BlockMatrix m, int x, int y, int rotation)
protected  boolean Block4.check(BlockMatrix m, int x, int y, int rotation)
protected  void Block4.unset(BlockMatrix m, int x, int y, int rotation)
protected  void Block4.set(BlockMatrix m, int x, int y, int rotation)
protected  boolean Block3.check(BlockMatrix m, int x, int y, int rotation)
protected  void Block3.unset(BlockMatrix m, int x, int y, int rotation)
protected  void Block3.set(BlockMatrix m, int x, int y, int rotation)
protected  boolean Block2.check(BlockMatrix m, int x, int y, int rotation)
protected  void Block2.unset(BlockMatrix m, int x, int y, int rotation)
protected  void Block2.set(BlockMatrix m, int x, int y, int rotation)
protected  boolean Block1.check(BlockMatrix m, int x, int y, int rotation)
protected  void Block1.unset(BlockMatrix m, int x, int y, int rotation)
protected  void Block1.set(BlockMatrix m, int x, int y, int rotation)
 boolean Block.moveDown(BlockMatrix m)
          Move block once step down
 boolean Block.moveRight(BlockMatrix m)
          Move the block one step right
 boolean Block.moveLeft(BlockMatrix m)
          Move the block one step left
 boolean Block.rotateRight(BlockMatrix m)
          Rotate the block 90 degrees clockwize
 boolean Block.rotateLeft(BlockMatrix m)
          Rotate the block 90 degrees counter clockwize
protected abstract  boolean Block.check(BlockMatrix m, int x, int y, int rotation)
          Check if it is possible to put the block in the specified position and rotation angle
protected abstract  void Block.set(BlockMatrix m, int x, int y, int rotation)
          Put the block in the specified position and rotation angle
protected abstract  void Block.unset(BlockMatrix m, int x, int y, int rotation)
          Remove the block from the specified position and rotation angle

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